these are my african parents, john and trish roberts. i know, i favor my mom! we get lots of jokes about that one!!!
i think these are two of the most amazing people i know. god uses john to change more lives than I have ever seen one man do. it's an honor working with him.
just recently he and his wife have been more exposed to the muizenberg boys. it started when ryan was on special assignment, a local news tv show/documentary thing. the episode was about sexual abuse of street kids in cape town. ryan was on there talking about his work with the kids in town and all he's seen them go through as it relates to sexual predators.
trish's heart broke. she came up to me the next day at work and said "ok, i get it. i see your heart for these kids. i want to support you finding a safe way to work with them. but you must not stop because you have been given that same heart that ryan has."
i felt understood for the first time in months!!! since that time, God has so awesomely combined the lives of my african parents with the lives of these boys. They hung out at my birthday party and had a great time. We went to visit Brian in the correctional facility he's been put in, and Trish fell in love with little Brianie. John talked to him about his future. John was also a street kid, and these boys really love "uncle john" as he's now known as!
I took them into Capricorn yesterday afternoon after work and they visited with Mingo and Ricky. It was so cool!!!
I just want you all to really pray for these two great people, and for the Fish Hoek Drug Crisis Center. We are in greater demand than ever before and it's so exciting to see what God is going to do with this little center! I'm so glad to have hearts unified with John and Trish. God is so good!!! He has blessed me so abundantly through their friendship. And they love what Ryan is doing, so it's cool to see God unite those worlds as well.
And now, some photos from a few weeks ago--
Neiltjie and I eating Blow Pops.

Mingo outside the barber shop.