Witnesses in Rangoon believed that the death toll would be higher. Security forces attempted to disperse tens of thousands of people gathered near Sule Pagoda in Rangoon and South Okkalapa Township on Thursday afternoon, witnesses said. The report could not be independently confirmed. Scores of people were beaten by security forces.
Troops fired directly into protesting crowds, using automatic weapons on at least one occasion. Warning shots were also fired above the heads of protesters as an estimated 70,000 anti-government demonstrators braved the overpowering force of the troops and security forces.
Protesters were outraged at security forces following an overnight raid on at least three Buddhist monasteries. Soldiers reportedly beat up and arrested about 700 monks, who had spearheaded the largest challenge to the junta since a failed democracy uprising 19 years ago. One monk reportedly died.
The Japanese Embassy reported on Thursday evening that a Japanese photojournalist died in the gunfire. Pictures released on the Internet show the journalist lying on his back in the street with one hand raised up holding his camera. A soldier wearing flip flops is pointing his rifle at the journalist.

A second photograph shows the journalist’s face contorted and his arm now rests on the ground, apparently shot a second time at point blank range.

The photojournalist was Kanji Nagai, 51, according to the Japanese video news agency APF News.
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