this is poem's older sister, tricia. she's 17 and she is missing. since last saturday at around 7 pm when she stepped out to buy a cigarette until today no one has seen, heard or found her.
the mother is full of stress, and is trying to cope with tricia's 2 toddlers as well as her own 3 young kids...one of whom is poem and who has run away from home again.
this isn't the normal thing tricia does, according to her mom. she usually disappears for a few days and always says where she is going. she is on drugs, but this seems to be different than a drug binge.
she tried to make a missing persons case today at the police station, but in true south african police form, they told her to come back on sunday...maybe she'll turn up by then. frustrated and hopeless, i drove her home trying to speak about lighter things. but how do you get your mind off of your missing child?
please pray for tricia. i'm really worried, as are her friends and family. the options are slim as to where she could now be. also pray for her mother, jeanette, and her two children, josie (3) and mckayla (5).