Amanda, I miss you.
This is Amanda. She is also known as 'my favorite person'. She is my favorite person for so many reasons. I want to list a few.
1. we met because of our coffee addictions. she was carrying a cup of coffee at the richmond airport and she had a grey hoodie on with her shell necklace around her neck. i noticed her jeans and thought she looked like she had a story to tell. FYI--I now own those jeans! I am wearing them right now.
2. her pace of life matches my own. we both love people but we both have to be alone at times. we both stay busy with friends but we both make time for those people who are most important. we both like to drive and listen to music: damien rice, nickel creek, shane and shane. to name a few.
3. she makes me feel comfortable in my own skin. we are both tall and i don't feel like a big ogre around her, like i sometimes feel around girls.
4. she LOVES quality reads, she'll watch documentaries and think about them for days, she thinks deeply and constantly about the world's pain, not her own.
5. she is so forgiving. she's been hurt by people who shouldn't have hurt her, but she forgives them and holds out hope on their behalf.
6. she sees right through me. i don't even have to talk. she knows what's in my head without even trying. no one in my entire life has read me as well as she does.
7. number 6 doesn't freak me out. i'm not afraid to say anything to her. i'm not afraid to be mad around her or at her. i'm not afraid to be disappointed with life or with god or with myself in her presence.
8. she's without a doubt the funniest person i know. her humor is perfect. she's a great actress and fabulous storyteller. she can impersonate anyone and anything. the noises she makes astound me...she's a master at mimicking.
9. she values the things about me that i've always wanted to be valued for. she accepts my hippyish lifestyle.
10. she so anal it's scary. she's got a years supply of pocket protectors in her backpack right now. she is organized and thorough. i'm not at all and so she's got me covered.
11. she knows my tendency to loose things of importance, so she'll secretly get 4 copies of forms or cds or whatever and keep them b/c she knows i'll need more. but she won't tell me about her backup stashes...she just waits for me to loose them first.
12. she writes letters regularly.
13. she always prints out pictures for you if you are in them. before you even have to ask.
14. she loves my friends and family, and they love her. people like gretchen who have only met her once STILL ask about her everytime i see them. she's memorable.
15. she is a mac user. that says alot.
16. she is simple. she doesn't wear makeup often. she likes to be comfortable.
17. she's active and conscious of what she eats but not excessively. we could easily down a bag of swedish fish in one sitting and not regret it one bit. she doesn't whine about her weight or appearance. with such trivial things, she is content. her mind is not often on earthly things.
18. she asks questions you want her to ask but don't want to say "hey amanda, ask me this..." she is empathetic.
19. she is spontaneous when tested. she'll be conservative but she really longs to be random. that's why we have fun, b/c i rarely think through something as long as it's not sinful. i like new experiences, and she's my favorite person to explore the world with.
20. we could sit down for 9 hours and not say a word and i wouldn't for one second feel akward, uncomfortable, or worried that she wanted me to say something.
21. she's the closest thing i've found to a soulmate, and i don't mean that in a wierdo sense. i just mean, i can be around her all the time and not be annoyed. like in may when she came to nashville for "3 days", which really meant a full week once i forced her to miss her greyhound in nashville, which we then followed to evansville indiana so she could get on it there (just so we could hang out a few more hours together), but then in indiana we literally sat across the street from the greyhound station and WATCHED her bus drive out to st. louis. the very bus we had chased to indiana. and we just turned around and she stayed anotehr 4 days in nashville. there is no greater friendship story than that in my life. it says it all. i long to be around her. i don't tire of it. i spent a month in virginia at a training center with her and i spent all social time with her and/or others. if i wasn't alone, i wanted to be with amanda. i've never ever ever felt that way about anyone else in my life.
22. she's always there, somewhere, and i don't worry about it. i know we'll be friends forever, and that's all that matters to me.
Amanda left for spain a week ago. I haven't talked to her since and it's killing me. I miss her so much. I feel like part of me has died, and I"m just starting to realize this is responsible for the strange mood i've been in. i've been at home ALOT, which is not like me. I just think about her and miss her and want to talk to her. Loosing accesability to her has been painful.
So amanda, if you are out there in spain reading this blog, please contact me. I just need to connect with my favorite person. I'm not worried, i just miss you.
I love you to the point of tears nearly every single day.
I hope you talk to her soon.Abbs
thanks friends. she called today but i haven't gotten to talk to her. i don't know that she read thsi blog, but that makes her calling all the better!
I just read a love story. I heard your hearbeat, and felt the wetness of your tears. Thanks for being..."naked."
Cool blog, interesting information... Keep it UP »
Where did you find it? Interesting read » » »
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