today, ryan and i did something we've been planning for a while: we went shopping for our wedding gifts!
it's hard to swallow...just asking for money. but at the end of the day, we keep coming back to the practicality of buying what we need on THIS SIDE of the atlantic rather than THAT SIDE. some reasons are as follows:
1. it's cheaper overall to buy things here.
2. appliances will be the right conversion or transformed electrical current here. we won't need transformers and converters anymore!
3. we'll save loads and loads of money by not shipping all our gifts from the states to south africa.
4. cause my mom said so!
so, please feel free to go to our picture gallery thing of all the items we'd like or need to have, and take your pick. or just get ideas, figure out how much it costs in the states, and donate that towards our marriage experience here :)
this is all in the birthing stages, so bear with us as we get organized. thanks!
click this link if you are interested:
wedding gift registry across the atlantic ocean

I love it that your biggest smile is with the whirlpool dryer!!
Enjoy the journey!!
that was the coolest wedding registry i have ever seen!!! Ryan got quite excited about being in those pictures :) where do contributions go?
1. i love that you are an asian couple. :) i told an american-born korean that i was asian last week... he didn't get it. he maybe even got mad, i don't know. haha.
2. that pic of ryan with the metal robot looking statue- did that statue have a "no pictures" sign below??? cos those things are all around BKK and always have that sign at the bottom. just a question ;)
blessings and i am pretty sure you guys are the coolest couple that i know (but really don't) ever!!!!
em, there was no sign. just a big robot hand inviting us under it's strong grip. what else were we to do?
em, there was no sign. just a big robot hand inviting us under it's strong grip. what else were we to do?
oh heavens, please beccster.
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