it's called "A Severe Mercy" by Sheldon Vanauken.
With 18 letters by cs lewis included, it really offers a perspective from a man deeply in love with his wife, his friend lewis, and finally his savior jesus.
it connects the pagan with the deeply theological as beautifully as any book i've read. so for those of you who enjoy lewis and LOVE a good love story, read this book.
here are some random photos for you!

this is me and my friend zana. she's from rolling hills. we were at one of ryan's shows in cape town.

this is a mixed group of lots of special people: five are from germany and part of the "each one teach one" crew that ryan collaborates with (but one of the 5 is taking this photo), a few i don't know but i think one is the german ambassador, two are djs who deserve many high-fives, and then there's some mc's.

ubuntu street in gugulethu. "ubuntu" is a big post-1994/apartheid idea of "we are who we are through others" or something like that. basically, it is used to stress the oneness of us all THROUGH our need of being connected to everyone.
ryan and i eating lemon sorbet! dairy free is fun!

this is penny lane...with her hair all grown out, making rice krispie sticks at our flat!
1 comment:
ya know, you are about the third person that has said they absolutely love that book and i actually bought it a while ago and just started reading it. i got through the first chapter and sadly found myself very cynical about the whole picture-perfect 'guarding the love' stuff. i was quite shocked at my reaction and put the book down. i think there must be something wrong with me :( i keep telling myself to give it another try though.
also, i just bought Ten Thousand Splendid Suns. it's making me sad too, so maybe i need to find something a little lighter!
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