it's so great to see god make something out of a horrid situation. i still recall vividly the morning i went to fetch penny for church and her grandmother swore at me and told me she was going to beat the crap out of penny now because of me. it was such a bad moment, and i felt SO overwhelmed. crying out to god, i asked for penny's deliverance. the next week, the roberts took her into their home. and now, a year later, she has been officially adopted and has become penny roberts!
and then there is brianie, whom i have countless nights of memories with, sitting with him outside his home, talking about his growing desire to leave the street, to leave capricorn, to leave drugs and gangs and anger, and to have a safe place. now, a year later, he's surfing and going to a youth group and wanting to be a pastor. he's such an amazing man.
i really want to thank john and trish, because they have been god's vessel for these kids salvation, both physically and spiritually. praise god for the photos that follow...

the baptism lineup: muhammad (soon to be adrian), brianie, mzwaki, jadine, and penny lane.

penny lane one year after she was adopted from capricorn. ain't she gorgeous?





jadine the queen.

me and brianie.
:) Yesterday the kids from Capricorn at our house wrote me a letter to ask if they could stay with us during the holidays. I told them they could stay with you, since you're their teacher. ;-)
Ashley, that is so amazing!!!
God is good and his ways are higher then ours.
I am so glad to see brianie on your pics!
Its good to get some good news from Cape Town... I recieved so many bad news from that side these days...
Keep up the good work and be blessed!
tears to my eyes. love it!!
we never were promised that we would get to see the fruits of our labor but what unspeakable joy and rich grace our Father has granted to us that we now do .... i think we chose to spend ourselves well, my friend. (and without even getting hijacked!!) i love you.
Well, I'm now sitting at my desk with tears streaming down my face. All I see is fruit, fruit, and more fruit. I'd say that ole God of your garden is hard at work. ;) Love you...
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