Wednesday, 20 September 2006


so, i have a new job here in south africa. on monday, tuesday and thursdays i go to various schools around the muizenberg area and assist a lady named sherna who teaches life skills for living hope. our school load is quite diverse. mondays we go to christian davids, the school across from capricorn, an afrikaans speaking school where kids have holes in their pants, some have no shoes, and trouble-makers like my little friend carl who smokes ganga in the bathroom. he's 10.
tuesday we are in nice, white, rich noordhoek private teaching classes of no more than eight (our grade 4 has 5 students), each with their own pencial sharperner and colored pencil set. kids with names like ANGUS, JEAN ERIC, STORM, and OLIVER STAPLETON-COTTON.
thursday we are in 4 classes at muizenberg primary. this is a variety school of white, black, colored, and seems to be a breeding ground for some real rebels. one kid, dylan, has caught my attention.
it is at muizenberg primary where a boy named zebron is in one of our grade 4 classes. and it is here where you will see just how cool god is in putting me with a co-worker whose heart beats like my own.

monday after we left christian davids and the mob-scene on the playground that occurs everytime i leave (because all the kids are from capricorn and i do spend lots of my free time in that community...ok, almost all my free time but that's beside the point), we were driving to st. james. we passed zebron on the road, and sherna automatically pulled over.

what followed was the kind of drama i live for--problem solving and intervention for those in need, and racing up and down main road--but i'll get to that later.

zebron had packed a tote bag full of pots and kitchen utensils for his experiment that day at school. somewhere between home, the train, and school, zebron lost the tote bag. when we stopped to see why he was walking in the opposite direction of his school, with tears in his eyes he told us that if he didn't find the bag, his mom was going to beat him.

sherna put him on the home-bound train and called his mom to explain the situation. we proceeded to go to our next school. well, st. james was out for a holiday so we returned quickly to the train station to see if zebron was still there so we could take him home and talk with his mom. he wasn't there. the conductor told us he took the wrong train and was heading to the southern tip of the peninsula rather than up into the flats he lives in.

this is where the frantic driving begins. sherna was so worried about this kid. we made a plan and i jumped out of the moving car at the next station, got the train stopped, only to find zebron wasn't there. no one had seen the boy.

we are severly worried at this point. sherna drives back to kalk bay, thinking maybe he was somewhere at that station. she found him curled into a ball sitting on the floor of the station, sobbing into his hands.

we proceeded to take him home, and all this time i am thinking about how much i love sherna and god for putting us in the same space and time here in africa so i could still live a little while doing this school work!

jho! we get to zebron's home and found that the bag was there. no beating necessary. we thanked god for the found pots and pans and realized we have much more to offer than life skills...we have a responsiblity to zebron brought to the surface by a missing tote bag.


Anonymous said...

while I was reading this story it strangely reminded me of the situations we always seem to get into together, ha ha.

I'm glad there was a happy ending and he was not in a situation of facing the rod in a harsh way.

It doesn't suprise me that you are falling more inlove with the people in SA, it seems to be this thing that was was always there just waiting for you to join and when you got there it was hard and maybe there were tears but the pain made sense and you fit in a shape that isn't made for many people. But you, you were made to fit and for that I am greatful and can see how God had it all layed out, even when the only thing that would consol waqs Damien, lemonheads and coffee without milk. He knew even we were not the wiser.

I love you friend and consider it a joy to lift you and your life there up and the people He has placed in your path!
Aj...aka...the watchless girl who uses paper protectors.

Anonymous said...

you can add me ack if you the list of blogs!

Anonymous said...

what a sweet story. my heart hurt as i read it. i've been working a lot more with children here in india, and well, i've come to realize helping a child is no small thing. it changes us, reshapes us, and somehow we're different than we were before. somehow we're better than we were before. somehow God feels closer than He did before...
--julie in india

Seth said...

hey man. we will miss you on saturday. know that your picture will repeat frequently in the slideshow on the big screen thoughout the reception. this only happens to friends.

things seem to be constantly new over there for you. i am made very very happy by that.

happy late late bday. and cool.

Unknown said...

SC, of course i remember that night. i think of that night often. remember how fast we were driving!!!! it's moments like that which confirm that i've always had this in me, it just became a "job" here in SA!
god is very very cool for being so consistent, isn't he?
love you, my married friend!

and seth, let me just say that i dreamed i was at your wedding on saturday night, while you would have been getting married. i dreamed of conversations and christmas lights hanging and all...and when i woke up i sersiouly felt i had been there. it took me a minute to realize i hadn't. it was very cool for me to feel so connected. i thought of oyu guys almost the whole day long! i want to call soon, so please let me know how to do that.

love you guys!