This is me in front of the South African flag. I really want to go to South Africa. More and more each day.

I drew this on Amanda's journal the other day when I was bored out of my mind. We had been in session after session. I spent a whole day in Anthropology class. Then the next day in Buddhism class. Then three days of memorizing Bible stories and learning how to tell them without the Bible in front of you. Then a class about prayer. I was so braindead. I wanted to climb a tree.
Then we had African worship tonight and I spent the last 10 minutes staring at this tree, trying to see how I could best climb it. I think it can be done. Or at least I could draw it and climb it sometime in the future.

These are "my little friends" playing the jimbay tonight at African worship. It was all outside, barefoot, screaming and hollering and dancing and singing. I wish I could do this everyday!!!

We spent the evening outside, learning worship songs from Nigeria, Zimbabwe, and Botswana. Then we had a preacher from Ethiopia tell us Bible stories. We got to dance around on each other's blankets and say "Holla" alot. It was so cool.
And here is me this afternoon at the Daily Grind, taking pictures with my fun new camera. I just thought this was a cool picture. There is no spiritual significane behind it, although I'm sure I could think of something! How about 1 Corinthians 13: Now we see but a poor reflection as in a mirror...then, we shall see face to face.
I wish I could see all of you face to face. But believe, me God is working and coming to take us home. I'm not prophesying or anything, I just know what the Word says.
Make sure you reflect the right person.

Praise God for thinking people! i love you shiny!!
and arls, I see you in the trees here. You'd love them!!!
and Stace, you are amazing...i love how we share our african fondness...they are quite amazing people! lots to learn from them, as ayou know.
i love that tree drawing....as well as that reflection picture. the wind makes you look wicked cool.
now that i look at it again there isn't much wind. i think i was doing some drugs just a second ago but now i am not.
i'm glad you've sobered up. i've worried about that for so long now.
hey, so i met you in banda aceh and just found your blog. i want to email you but don't have your address. i met some people this summer in asia that know you. anyway, its a small world. hope to be in touch before you leave richmond.
valerie! I'm so glad to hear from you. I heard you met some people in Thailand who know me. That's fun!!
My email is a_iubi2003@yahoo.com
please write me so we can be in touch more regularly. are you back overseas? let me know how you are and what your world is like these days!
Best regards from NY!
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