Two of my friends here are Marlee and Amanda. Both have just graduated from Golden Gate Seminary with a dual degree in theology/intercultural studies. This is the program I was applying to before I decided to move to Asia. However, I've been spending lots of time with these girls and they have me ready to move to go there one day. This program is like that dream program you live your life wondering about, thinking "how would i ever find a school with a program that is exactly what I want." Well, I've found my match.
They teach you how to set up a refugee camp! Seriously, could there be a cooler education than that?
Anyways, these two girls are starting a nongovernment organization (NGO) in Uganda in a few years...a development from the ethnographic research they did in school, and the inspiration which would naturally come from such an academic pursuit. Marlee has been spreading the word about this documentary on the child soldiers in Uganda called "Invisible Children". We just finished watching it. OH MY GOSH! Find a way to view this film. It will change your life.
"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed citizens can change the world, indeed its the only thing that ever has." - Margaret Mead
How can we see the film...? have you recieved your cd? MUCHO LOVEO TO YOU_O abbs
that movie is awesome. i'm glad you got to see it.
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