but this is brian when he's not on drugs, and he still has fun. he got new clothes somewhere. no more nasty green sweatshirt.

and this is ricky with some silver chain he found on the street.

yesterday we drove down to the street fair in muizenberg, but we never made it there because on the way we passed brontino and ricky sitting on the side of the road near fish hoek, a good 3 miles from muizenberg. we pulled over and they told us they had walked to our church looking for us. after finding that we were not at church they went for a swim.
saturday night brontino got the tar beat out of him and his sweat pants were ripped to shreds. so he had no clothes to wear. when we found them, he was pulling on these super tight, too short jeans he got somewhere.
another day in muizenberg.
brian wrote a short rap song about me. i'm going to try and load it on here, b/c i recorded him singing it. it's pretty awesome.
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