getting up at 5:12 a.m. unconsciously operating a motor vehicle in the dark. somehow ending up at work grinding coffee. waiting for mr. williamson county rec center man to order his coffee, and mr. i-sit-in-the-corner-chair to say awkward things that we didn't ever know how to respond to. waiting for josh to show up. throwing things at chris. watching the sun rise out the drive through window.
at about 7:59, creative genuis started flowing. below is an recent example.

i have the funniest friends on the planet. special acknowledgement of
seth, the killtron creator or
robin, killtron herself. is killtron a girl? not sure.
i miss you guys. thanks for making me laugh. always.
This picture made me laugh.
Send me an e-mail please,
Scott Drennan
aka, the younger guy you had a small crush on for a long time.
I made that up, but seriously, e-mail me sometime.
who are you anonymous person? that's the curse of everyone knowing my password, i guess.
robinella, thanks for the explanation. but you didn't answer the gender quetsion of kiltron 9000.
scott, emailing you now.
I had the pleasure of meeting killtron for the first time this weekend. I introduced myself and said, "I've never met you, but I know you from Ashley Lovell's blog." Ahh...the cyber worlds collide!
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