Neil: you see that shop there? russie and i broke in there once and got 1000 rand."
Russie: yah!! and that shop there also. we stole some rolls.
N: we used to steal ALL the time. everyday everyday. we break in and steal and run off.
R: so many shops, ashley. so many shops in muizenberg. we come in with our guns and we rob the people (russie is 11--and TOTALLY exaggerating!).
Ashley: really? when was this?
N: a long time ago. we used to do so many drugs also. before you came we are doing drugs all the time. everyday everyday.
R: smoking mandrax. tikking. every night we get our drugs, sometimes for free.
A: hmmm....
R: you gonna go to the church on sunday ashley? you gonna take me? if you don't take me i'm gonna go alone. i'm gonna be there anyways. there by the church.
A: yes russie, of course i'll take you.
N: you know, last sunday when you was at the church i wanted to be at the church. i'm gonna go this sunday also.
R: yah. i'm gonna give my life back to god. you know that ashley? i'm gonna give my life back to god. you think i shoudl do that?
A: yes, i think that's great, russ.
N: me too, ashley. when i was a kid, i was going to church every week every week. my auntie is a christian and russie's opa (grandfather) is also one. i used to stay by him. if i go to the church then i'll stop using hte drugs and stuff, you know?
Hey ashley, i want to meet all your family and i want you to meet all mine and i want to you to never leave us alone here in africa. i want our families to be good friends and to eat together. i don't want you to ever leave for america, ok?
A: that's not for a long time, neiltjie. and you can meet my family.
R: yah, me too. I want to meet mr. america. his daugther is my mother. you know ashley, my brother got shot before and he died. and soon my mommie's gonna die. when that happens, you gonna be my only family, you know that? you gonna be my mother?
A: yes, russie. i will always be your family.
N: You know ashley, before you came, we were doing drugs all the time. but now i just want to spend all my time with you and melissa. when i am with you and melissa i don't even think about the drugs. i think i will come to you everyday.
Carl: i've been to your house 4 times.
R: I've been there SO MANY TIMES. right, ashley?
A: yes russie.
N: I've only been twice but i want to come everyday. it's so nice, you know.it's so nice to come there because then we don't do bad things. i pray for you and melissa every night, you know ashley? I pray you never leave us in africa. that you stay a long time.
OH MY GOSH! i talked to myself in utter awe through that whole blog! amazing, just amazing. i'm speechless and i reached to pick up the phone at least 3 times as i was reading it because that's how much i wanted to talk to you to rejoice over that conversation! God's doing indescribable things and that blog was one of the best ways you've communicated it! thanks for sending it! i'm in awe and so glad i can witness this miracle that you are living in. much love, jenn
Go God! Ya, that made me cry. I can just imagine you sitting there with those boys Ashley, smiling and loving on them. I am so proud of you. They love you, and God's love is just pouring out onto them - and they have felt it. Thats so amazing! I love you girl, Lynn
Ashley, I'm crying with joy after reading your most recent message ... I can not imagine the pain these boys have suffered in their few years. Angels are rejoicing in heaven because they know there is God's servant lending these children a hand and a lot of His love flowing through you. You are such a blessing to these boys and to us. Just keep on doing His mighty work and their lives and ours will be MUCH the better.
I hear you're going to be the star of the show this wednesday at SACK! Look forward to seeing you on the big screen ... praying all goes well so we can see you and the boys!
love you and what you're doing!
looks like you will be staying in afreeka a long long time.
that was so sweet ashley Lovell!! You inspire me for sure!! You know, sometimes when i'm reading about ashley lovell, neil and russie it's like reading one of those books you read as a kid (like laura ingalls etc.) and it's SOO real!!! ....When you're old and grey you should write a book about you guys in SA...It will change lives and touch hearts!! People will write and ask for more and more of Ashley lovell, neil and russie!! AWESOME!! Press on!! ~gandyland
LOVE YA SOOOO MUCH!! We are praying for ya every night over here too!! We miss you!!!
that is wonderful! it makes me happy.
best regards, nice info » » »
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