One month from today, I will fly to South Africa and begin working at Living Hope Community Centre in Cape Town. I will be counseling patients who suffer from drug and alcohol addictions.
A few nights ago, I decided that for the next 30 days, I would document my process of leaving on this blog. God is doing way too many cool things for me to let them go unknown. You will be completely in awe of all that God is doing.
Yesterday, Seth sent me the flyer for our benefit concert on January 19th. Here it is!!!! Thank you Seth, it looks so good.
Also, yesterday at BBC, a man offered to give me his zip drive and at least one, if not two, webcams for my family and i to stay in better contact. He is even coming over to show us how to use it!
I got my support letter written and printed, and my good friend Kevin came over and addressed 230+ envelopes with my name and address to include in the letters I send out! So, today or tomorrow I will send out the letters and the flyers.
Today is Monday and if all goes according to plan, I will be sending off for my visa today and purchasing my plane tickets this afternoon. I will keep you posted.
So anyways, that's where we are today. I'll write more later. God continues to give me more than I need. And as I read Richard Foster's "Freedom of Simplicity" last night I found my attention captured by a sentence about trusting God, something I know I don't do well at all. The line said something like "Simplicity requires an ever-deepening level of trust upon God to meet your needs. But only then can God give you more than you asked for, because you see you were asking for too little." (very rough paraphrase!)
I wish we weren't so far away so we could come to the benefit concert and see you before you leave! We love you!!
Hey, if you're done with Freedom of Simplicity by the time you come to San Antonio, would you let me borrow it? I've been wanting to get that book for a long time and never have! You are still coming aren't you? I've developed a complex about getting hopes up- sorry :/
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