Invisible Children fancied up their website. It's way more user friendly and grants you access to the valuable purchase of a made-in-uganda promotional bracelet.
all 3 members of the lovell family will soon be seen wearing these long-awaited reminders, thanks to the prompting of my globally conscious mother!!!
look into this...it's a very powerful story. and if you want to see the dvd, let me know. i have a few extra copies lying around.
Hey Ash, It won't let me into the site FYI- you might want to check it again
abbs, i just tried it and it worked. it's www.invisiblechildren.com if you cannot get it to work.
ps--you ahve to click on the words, not the picture. it's misleading. that's my fault. see if it works when you click on the words "invisible children" in the first sentence.
thanks chickie
Shoot us the DVD, we will mail it back or pass it along. We are praying for you, and your parents, and your ministry now, and yet to be.
a'ight. let me know your home address and i'll send it to you!
yay...that's 2 people today!
I STILL haven't seen that documentary. Didn't you buy it?
yes i did. you want to watch it tomorrow night at 8? i'm hosting a viewing at my house. gosh, that sounds like a funeral.
ooohh...I have plans tomorrow night. Dang it! Can I borrow it then?
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