Please, PLEASE, if you do nothing else for me in life, do this. Go to damien rice's website (www.damienrice.com). You might have noticed that I mentioned him a few blogs ago...and basically, I've been listening to his cd ALL the time! ALL THE TIME! In the morning (which i don't recommend, it put me in a strange place for the rest of the day), in my car on the way to the Daily Grind, late at night while I journal (also a dangerous thing, it just does something strange to my heart...but i lOVE it).
Anyways, we (mandarine orange and i) just drove around all afternoon listneing to it over and over. Somewhere during that drive I decided that I needed to visit his website. I got to the Daily Grind and got online...
I'm not going to tell you what happened next. You can go find out for yourself. But it WILL blow your mind. prepare yourself. My world's collide like this ALL THE TIME!!! Seriously, for those of you who know me, you know how this kind of stuff always happens. As Amanda just put it "You have a strange aura about you."
Damien, you've melted my volcanoes. I'm forever in awe of you. Thank you for this. It makes joy rise up inside of me, to be walking through the world, knowing someone has a passion like my own. A special shout out to Timothy William Bedi for making miracles happen by introducing us on the long drives to Knoxville and Birmingham.
"Please use your liberty to help promote ours." --ASSK
Damien Rice said, “I prefer not to interfere too much with what is going on in the world, but when someone has been thrown into a hole and they ask you to throw down a rope, I am happy to look for a rope, especially for a woman of such grace.”

Come and see me
Sing me to sleep
Come and free me
Hold me if i need to weep
Maybe it's not the season
Maybe it's not the year
Maybe there's no good reason
Why i'm locked up inside
Just cause they wanna hide me
The moon goes bright
The darker they make my night
Unplayed pianos
Are often by a window
In a room where nobody loved goes
She sits alone with her silent song
Somebody bring her home
Unplayed piano
Still holds a tune
Lock on the lid
In a stale, stale room
Maybe it's not that easy
Or maybe it's not that hard
Maybe they could release me
Let the people decide
I've got nothing to hide
I've done nothing wrong
So why have i been here so long?
Unplayed pianos
Are often by a window
In a room where nobody loved goes
She sits alone with her silent song
Somebody bring her home
Unplayed pianos
Are often by a window
In a room where nobody loved goes
She sits alone with her silent song
Somebody bring her home
Unplayed piano
Still holds a tune
Years pass by
In the changing of the moon
ps--go to www.captivatedby grace.blogspot.com when you are done for amanda's update today. she's blogging daily too and has some fun pictures to share!!!
gee ashley, i'm glad to see you have so many friends with secret agendas who are trying to use your blog to sell vision treadmills (what the heck), monkeys (this is fitting for you), or houses for orphans by going to www.sweetsleep.org, oh wait, that last one was me. oops. i'm not anonymous. what am i saying!
just thought i'd post while waiting for damien to load. i'm oh so glad i did. it was riveting to read these replies.
remember folks, homes for orphans at www.sweetsleep.org. if you love treadmills for your eyes, you'll love what we do with limestone blocks and 6-inch foam.
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