**This is exactly where I am today. Karla Worley read this to me this morning over cinnamon muffins and homemade latte's. While her voice read the beautiful words of a well known man of God, my heart began to unwind and drip the first of what will be an ever-growing puddle of loss and relinquishment. I'm praying for the endurance to swim through what will soon become a fast-moving river that sweeps me from one world into another. The voices that shout to me from the banks of the river are muddled and all I can really hear today is the pounding of waves against my head.
I had forgotten this painful part of the leaving process. I feel painfully disconnected from those people who mean the most to me. I'm mourning the loss of many things, defined and left unsaid, that seem to be leaving my life. Change is all around me and I hurt over the fact that I have been so unable to make sense of anything or organize my life in such a way that makes Christ look good.
I'm constantly in tears today. I sense some changes coming in the next few days and i just really need to keep Christ as the focus of my mind. These voices are too much without him.
Don't you love the joy in this post?

Today...this actually looks appealing. Me, Asia, some assurance that God's with me and that I'm not screwing something up.
GANDYLAND!!! I love that you've chosen my nickname for you as your username. What joy that brings to my heart. I've missed you my little mexican senorita. I have so many questions for you and your life. How was leaving Moldova? When can we finally connect? I"m sorry to keep missing that chance but I love you and am so lucky to be your friend.
love to you..."ashleylovell"
What an amazing picture! I'm so excited for you. Be strong, you are wonderful.
Amazing picture! I'm so excited for you! Be strong, you're amazing.
so, the first time it didn't work, so I reposted... except that it DID work, so I posted twice. Um, you can delete one... and this one too.
Wow...this blog thing is great b/c i feel like i've got a lot of little cheerleaders. you have no idea how much it means to me.
Nick, your new friendship is so great and I'm thankful to get to sit and talk to you regularly...keep on pursuing what you love and it will not fail you. thank you for your kind words.
and amy j, what a story. the best part was that i could hear you saying "make it fly god. make it fly" i loved that image in my head. you bless my life all the time and you don't even know it. thank you for doing so once again. i'll see you this weekend.
love you both, ash
Hello woman.
WOW you are a think tank.
I am hoping that you have a clear mind before you venture into all this.....and I know you will. Your faith ALWAYS allows you to find a way....it always has.....I am headed to Birmingham today//// I love you very much. I will get to see Blake and I will tell him hello from you. landon says love you too----hes in my lap.....ttyl.....ABBS
You are a beautiful child of God Ashley! You inspire me and others with your honesty and your trusting spirit. God indeed has great things in store for you. Trust Him, He is the way, the truth and your light. You are answering His call, that's all He asks. You said, "Yes!" He'll take care of the rest - even calming the storm before the flight to your glorious new adventures. Remember all the clarity that you had in Indonesia, you are doing what you were made to do - serve Him and the people of SE Asia. It's going to be tough waitng to see you in November, but what a wonderful day that will be. I'm going to borrow your quote for my next post (how awesome of Karla). We go to the coolest church around don't we? Love you!
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