I entered the unnamed coffeeshop this evening in quite the funk. Indescribable as it was, my mood was somber and my heart was heavy. I needed to be at my coffeeshop, and it's dependability at that moment robbed me of words and composure. Cameron, my sweet barista friend (who is moving in 3 days---waaaahhh!!!) greeting me with a hug and a gentle spirit, knowing the plight of my coming days. I explained to her and Jason that I was just trying to enjoy my night, savor the moment--so much so that I was depressed and crying :) My friends noticed that I was sucking at my attempt to enjoy myself, and after dinner we all went our separate ways. But the coffee shop remained.
I took a seat as my phone rang and my sweet friend Stacey called. I got to spend all morning with her and so to hear her voice again was like music. She just returned from Texas where she was doing lots of cool stuff and just trying to find her way...which lead her back to Nashville, and to Bongo Java this morning where we reconvened for a 2year reunion. Nick came and sat with me in my sorrow. It was a great moment of friendship, and I felt safe again.
I look up and Cameron is cradling a double-sized cup in her hands, holding it near her hear as if pouring her hearts' love into the cup's opening. She smiled and said, "A double soy latte, decaf so you can sleep tonight." How amazing is that? She knew my drink by memory and she made it as an offering of love and comfort. She sat down and we laughed my cares away.
So to Cameron and Nick, thank you. Just as Joe in New York can claim the "cup a joe" slogan, so you can claim my hearts' " a latte cameron" for years to come. I'll never drink a soy latte with the same joy as i did tonight. It's amazing what thoughtfulness and company of friends can do to an aching heart. Words weren't necessary, my pain was no longer my own. It was shared by two other people who took a moment to sit in that dark place with me.
Thank you. Again and again, thank you.
Click the dots to see her website! She's superb! I tried to post your picture nick, but it wouldn't work. His website is www.xanga.com/nickjones1
"Thats what freinds are for"
(dionne warwick) sp? omg i cant believe i just posted that hahahahahahahahahahahahah
LOVE the Abbs knowledgeable mother who knows everysong and artist known to man (well, most)
they dont have a course in that, do they??hahahaha
What a great site » » »
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