This picture captures the past two weeks of my life. It feels like I've been coming here for years, and yet this haven of friends and study and relaxation has only recently entered my life. Unnamed though it is, the coffee, the service--especially my friends here Jason, Cameron, and Nick--, the atmosphere, and the dependability I have in running into at least one person I know makes the coffeehouse on Carothers (name is hilariously in the very front of the photo, but this was not planned!) a must for any of you readers.
I owe alot to this room i sit in. Loaded up with all a young girl needs, I'm just always at rest when I come here. I usually sit where I can gaze out the window from time to time. The view of my hometown is so comforting. The essence of the window-picture is rolling hills, something my Asian home has none of and it's the one feature lacking in the topography of my Asian life which i pine the most for. Each tree top represents a hiding place, much like this one I sit at today. I place where animals and insects and beauty live, where they look down upon us with...whatever...i really have no idea what bugs or birds think. But I know that I think about them across the way and I imagine quiet and hidden parts that people won't know about. Kinda like heaven. We just won't know until we get there. But from this view we have, we ought to gaze more often upon the possibilities.
Thank you to all you commenters. Mike, wow! What does a girl say to a post like that? I had no idea you were capable of such exaggeration, though i've seen it seep out from time to time. Your words were kind and I'll save that post for all time and read it when I can'tget to a tv to watch Annie---for the feelings evoked from both were quiet the same for me. You're no daddy warbucks but only because you have a full head of hair. It was good seeing you last night and hearing the newest developments in your walk with our Lord.
Amy-Jo Girarereerrrrrrr? Is that you? Oh my gosh---I'm just keeping my eyes peeled until I see you again. It's bound to be soon. I'll see you on August 16 or 17 for sure! Don't you have a blog? I'd love to read that one!
And Abbs....happy 2 year anniversary! Tell your boys hello and I'll see you soon. I think Landon might have already outgrown the "I LOVE ASIA" shirt I bought him, but i"ll bring it none the less. And your thrift store gift!! I can't wait to give that to you.
I watched Dogtown and Zboys again today. It's a great film. It reminded me of the Civil Rights movement, and I'm not making a stretch here. Total parallels! These boys grew up in the armpit of California. Watching their hometown of Venice turn into a carnival, discovering one another and thier mutual passions for surfing, pursuing a passion that the world didn't understand or even think was cool, one that definately had no future, and just saying whatever to conventional all connected later to the birth of skateboarding. Watching the movie a second time i see how skating perfected their surfing, and eventually took precedent over the water. It showed me that there is a purpose to our interests and random passions. There is something more to it than just irresponsibility or avoiding life. It's from God. If you listen to the worlds' criticisms of you or the way you spend your time or money, dreams will die and civilization misses out on the contribution you were created to make to it. But CHOOSING to follow your passion--there is nothing like it!! It will slowly connect you to other related things, and you come to find yourself ahead of the game, setting the trends, and making a name for yourself simply by doing what you love to do most. It's the same way when i study civil rights. It all connects.
And to prove it, I'm posting this next picture. 8 Asians at my coffeeshop last night. My worlds connect. I love it so much!

I don't know why you're making me type this, I'm sitting right next to you!
Who's that hot guy in the red? That Andy Gibb hair is sexy!
How dare you speak such eloquence about another coffee shop. Is the place which helped put gas in your car and CD's in your hands not good enough for you? Huh? HUH? You spend time at a place in which you cannot even speak it's name? I'm crushed! Yes it looks invitingly comtemporay and hip. The modern dim lighting and brushed stainless steel menu boards look cool yes, but is such pleasent, eye catching scenery worth turning your back on the store across the freeway? HUH? HUH? You ask me to post a comment, and I do as you ask... :)
oh steve,
that's harsh. i don't blame you for my lack of interest in b&n. i still come there to see you don't i? just yesterday for example. taht was the best lunch conversation you've had in years.
hey, i posted that piece of writing from the book i bought should print it off since you liked it! that's just for you my friend!
I didn't mean for it to be harsh, I wrote it all with a smirk on my face and meant for it to be sarcastic of course! I guess you're just too slow to get it huh? Must be in whatever junk they're slinging over at IT'S A GRIND!!! Once again... Sarcasm! :) I love you friend!
oh mashley...i've just one question for you....
did you smile and give a frenzied wave to those asians in the pic, or are they just unwitting asian blog stars on your blog of fame?
my money is on the first....i have traveled too much with you. i know you totally spazzed out.
love to you,
mother hen jen
i love you too! you have no idea how much i value you and learn from you! it's a good thing,
and yes, i get your sarcasm. i've worked with your smart butt enough to know it!
and mhj,
of course i spazzed. i'm half asian, at least at heart. you know me in good luck charms!
love to you.
Enjoyed a lot! »
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