But somewhere during the middle of all these meetings and sessions, the Holy Spirit "fell upon me", as Shane Bernard says. Luckily, Mandarine Oranges (aka: Amanda, Nelly's girlfriend from St. Louis) was there with camera in hand to capture the moment. Thank you, mandarine. Thank you. This moment symbolizes something I've experienced little of in the past few days...so it's going to be imperative that I have these visual reminders of God's leading in all things.

After the Missionary Men told us all kinds of stuff, we went outside to see if we got electrocuted if we walked on the grass, since we'd not seen anyone else doing this. Luckily, before we took our first gallavanting run across the beautiful Baptist meadow, we found this sign:

Thank you for the warning!
The rest of the afternoon was spent avoiding raptors (although we definately found some footprints in the gravel), taking pictures of space ships disguised as sidewalk lamps, and exploring wierd graves up on the soccer field. Not the best place for a burial, but what do i know?

During our late-night escape for lattes, we found a postcard at Barnes and Noble with 2 monkeys on it. Mandarine bought the card, cut out the monkeys, and pasted them on the world map in Western Europe and Southeast Asia--just to signify the future arrival of each of us, monkeys and all.
Well, another sun has set across the Virginia sky. We found a stellar coffee shop tonight called......the daily grind. This name is way more acceptable than my Nashville coffee shop, so I'll proudly buy a Daily Grind coffee mug before I leave.
"You know you've found it because you feel it when they take it away." --Damien Rice
MT...good to hear about you. You sound sarcastically healthy so I will take that as a good sign.
Is that your new birthday camera? Have Mandarine Orange take a few shots so that others can see what 6.3 megapixels resemble.
From the look of the picture, the Holy Spirit may have flown up your nose...like you inhaled Him. Maybe that is what we have been missing along. We were expecting something weighty but He is in fact more uplifting and freeing like a shot of Nasonex or Flonaise(?). Whatever His arrival method, PTL for His much needed and "just in time" manifestation.
You are missed by people bearing your last name. Take care of yourself. Squeeze The Orange for us. Gandhi
MT...good to hear about you. You sound sarcastically healthy so I will take that as a good sign.
Is that your new birthday camera? Have Mandarine Orange take a few shots so that others can see what 6.3 megapixels resemble.
From the look of the picture, the Holy Spirit may have flown up your nose...like you inhaled Him. Maybe that is what we have been missing along. We were expecting something weighty but He is in fact more uplifting and freeing like a shot of Nasonex or Flonaise(?). Whatever His arrival method, PTL for His much needed and "just in time" manifestation.
You are missed by people bearing your last name. Take care of yourself. Squeeze The Orange for us. Gandhi
I love your pic of you taking a picture. That sounds funny. you taking a pic, taking a pic, taking apic(nicole will probably laugh at that one.:) Miss you..thats a NICE camera. Oh youd def. lose that 3 seconds into to 'Phica (memphica) youd get your nametag stolen if it was availible! hahaha.
i have a question to ask you howveer He wants you to think about it- I dont know. BUT Abby feels led(wow what a concept) to ask it -so well, I will.
What are you doing? think about it- what ARE you doing and what Will you be doing? DOnt kill the messenger! Well- i suppose that's two questions. I love you and sleep on it sista! LOVE ABBY
AShley- I have emailed the guy in charge of this stupid comment that keeps invading your space! hopefully- he wont send SPAM messages to your beautiful blog anymore. SHES "lookin out for you, and the SPIN stops here!"
Glad to read this post. I know, I worry and I really shouldn't, I should just have faith. Worry is me trying to control everything! Dang it, but I've been worrying about you! Jesus told me eeeearly this morning to stop worrying about you. So I did. But I feel that in order to love I must worry about the person. Nope! Not so. I love you and I'm not worried about you! Hey, I made some progress in life this morning. Well I didn't do it, Jesizzle did. How many more times can I say the word "worry"? Do you remember the Worry People? I think they got in my head as a child. Gandhi is so funny. I bet when he fasts he sneaks cinnamon raisin cookeis under his robe. And yes, Abby, I did laugh at the camera, camera, camera thing. I didnt' know you got a camera! I heart mine. xoxo
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