One of God's richest blessings upon my life has been my friendship with Michelle Kobosky. We share the same heart for so many things: Asia (esp. China), exercise, guitar (meaning she plays and i don't but we both like it), friendship, monks, and the outdoors. She's challenged me in many ways that cut to the core of my sinful nature. And vice versa. We call each other "garden friends", of which I have few...this means we sit in the garden for hours and hours and talk about everything...we are not rushed to do other things when we are together, and we value the growth and health of the other person. She's the most joyful person on the earth. She doesn't know how to frown. She's got this wheezy laugh that makes her sound like she huffs helium often. She's a ball of energy that never shrinks or pops...except when she's in the garden. Then she's a totally different MK. MK from HK...b/c she spent a year in Hong Kong. She came to visit me in Burma and loved it. Called it her vacation. She's the kind of girl who'd vacation in a 3rd world country. God, I love her.
Saturday afternoon, MK from HK got in a motorcycle accident and was inches away from bleeding to death. Her face got shoved all over the place and her teeth are all gone. She has a broken pelvis and toe and bleeding on her brain. Her life was given back to her when an off-duty EMS worker saw the accident and happened to have a nasal somthing or other that he could put in her face so she could breath until the paramedics got there. They arrived expecting a fatality, and instead they found MK...full of 'fighting for her life' life, attempting to yank her helmet away as she remained fully conscious throughout the entire experience. 23yards from her motorcycle, she was put into a medically induced coma and has remained there until today. Today she is awake and lying at Vandy quite uncomfortable and frustrated. But alive. She's alive and she's got lots of time to think about why.
We are all like MK. We all get our life back every second. Do we ever stop to think about why? Why do we not get smited off the globe any second? It's a good question and I dare you to ask it.
This was written by one of the men who was riding with MK. He's not a believer in jesus, but he believes in God because of MK's accident. This blows me away, how MK even shone in the black getup of her motorcyle attire! She's amazing. Pray for Dan. Dan the Man. He's the man. He's the sheep. And I know he's asking why about his own life today.
My name is Dan,
Rick and myself road with Michelle the day of the accident and i wanted to share my thoughts with you.
On Saturday Michelle,Rick and myself had met at my apartment in Hermitage to spend the afternoon to take a nice ride on some quiet country roads to Bowling Green, KY for some lunch. I remember Michelle pulling in my Driveway on her bike and taking off her helmet, Her eyes lit up like fire, She was so excited to go on this ride with Rick and Myself.
We started our drive leaving Hermitage and stopping at a Motorcycle parts store. I remember Michelle walking all around the store looking at all the items for sale, I laughed quietly to Rick and told him she reminded me of a little kid at christmas waiting to open her presents.
We then got on our bikes and started our Journey, We all agreed it was a beautiful day for a drive, the weather was perfect. We started the drive and Rick was in front, Michelle was behind Rick and i was following michelle, If you have ever seen Michelle drive her bike you would notice how safe of a driver she was, always cautious of her surroundings, driving under the speed limit. and obeying all the rules of the road, I had always been impressed with her driving skills.
We drove through Mt, Juliet, then into wilson county and we were all enjoying the ride and the scenery. As we were driving near the Kentucky-Tenn... border i signaled Rick and Michelle to pull over, I wanted to get a bottle of water and to discuss where we were going to have lunch. We all got off our bikes and were amazed at the "small town" country roads and how we were enjoying the ride and each others company.
About 10 minutes later we got on our bikes and proceeded to head to Bowling Green. Rick was leading, I followed Rick and Michelle was behind me. The roads were straight and flat and the trees were filled with such color. I was honestly awed at the scenery while driving, it was simply breathtaking.
We continued to drive straight for 10-15 miles until we hit the Tennessee - Kentucky Border. The next hour was the worst Hour of my life......
I was constantly checking my mirrors for the past 5 miles to keep my eye on Michelle, We would always alternate behind Rick, Michelle would be behind Rick, then i would etc. We had passed by a gas station on this country road about two minutes later i looked in my mirror to see how Michelle was doing and i did not see her. I started honking my Horn to Rick to get his attention to pull over. Rick had pulled into a side street. I pulled up next to him and said to Rick that i had not seen Michelle, and i was worried she might of run out of gas or pulled over. Rick and i immediately went back the way we came, I drove out first and rick followed me.
we drove for about 1 mile. I then panicked when i saw a crowd of people surrounding some one lying in the street.....It was michelle. I pulled my bike over with rick behind me and i was devastated. Rick and i ran over to Michelle and started to assist her, there were several people with her assisting her, I was in shock, devastated and i broke down.
We (Rick and I) Immediately started to make some calls to inform Michelle's loved ones. After Michelle was taken away by ambulance i sat down on the side of the curb and was still in shock and devastated. It took us about an hour and a half to drive from the scene off the accident to Hermitage. It was felt like the longest ride of my life.
Rick and i road back to my place in hermitage and got in my car and drove to vanderbilt hospital. When we arrived Vanderbilt we met up and prayed with Michelle's friends.
For the past 2 Days have felt such remorse, devastation and responsibility. I am constantly praying for Michelle and her family, Every time i close my eyes i see Michelle. I am not a religious person but have found myself praying several times a day.
I am praying for michelle and her family and they are constantly in my prayers.
1 comment:
Wow. Thanks, Dan for telling us about this horrible accident. Some days, I need a kick in the ass, and a blow to the head with reality. I hope she recovers, and I promise this story will ressonate in my head for a long time.
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