But by 6:30 Kristin had arrived with a cardboard/bag thing filled with Panera coffee, and a shopping bag filled with some of today's hottest items. Individual chips and salsa plate things went within a minute of being put on the shelf. Capri jeans were bought on impulse. Even a free recipe book from Publix gathered 10 cents from a sweet old lady. But what didn't sell, and it was the strangest thing, were matching peach and lime green business suits with gold buttons. Why she would be getting rid of them in the first place was beyond my understanding, but then to watch as customer after customer overlooked this trendy sell blew us away.
By the time Seth arrived (about 7:30), we were ready for action. The sale had been a quiet one thus far, but we came to find that screaming "This is the worst yard sale ever" as loud as we could seemed to tear down the walls between ourselves and those hungry yard sale shoppers. Time after time our tactic worked so we actually reached a point where we controlled the flow of shoppers. Essentially, we became string masters.
During one of our down times, after having eaten all the muffins and the donated halloween cookies (which were totally good, thanks to Heather), listening to David Crowder and Nickel Creek on repeat, taking pictures of my Sigmund Freud action figure slam dunking in our old basketball goal and Seth's ugly doll squished in between two poles of our fence (see Seth's blog @ www.awakeland.blogspot.com), we had a brilliant idea. We put on the matching outfits.

The driveway changed from a parking lot into a runway and we could have put on a fashion show if we wanted. Instead, we didn't want. We just sat around rummaging through the items for sale and putting them to enterainment use. I won't elaborate on how both Seth and Kristin stole items right in front of my eyes.
Special thanks to Stacie and the apple cider, Stephen and the donation and teaching us how to talk to dogs, Linda Blough and the Swing's, Victory who had great timing at showing up when it was over (as did Stacey loo and her mom!!!), Jenn and Mike, and anyone else I've forgotten. But Kristin and Seth, you raised the friendship bar. You guys are awesome. I have such great friends.
And then, we cannot forget to share about my brother Mike.

He made sure all my friends got a tour of where my dead cat is buried. Thanks Mike! You are priceless!!!
So, that was my morning. I spent the afternoon sleeping and finishing a painting I've been working on.
See ya next week, when I will be trying to sell all the leftover crap. Just kidding. I won't be doing that again for a while.
Instead, I'll be working the early morning shift at It's A Grind (also known as The Elbow) with Seth. So essentially, we will be reinacting our purposeful early morning routine on a regular basis.
I started my day off well and then it ended a little differently, www.creativeliberty.com
Ashley, glad it was a success! THANK YOU FOR THE PICS OF MY secret affair! Mike! I love him!:) Please give him a kiss for me! Sorry I missed stacey's cider too. I love cider. My mom makes really great cider. Miss you --see you friday night lateeeeeee!
man. i look like a mascot.
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