This is what I feel like today. Like I'm trying to kick footballs too big for my size. I know there are things I'm supposed to be doing, plays I'm responsible for calling and setting into motion, or just big footballs I need to punt down the field.
But they are too big for me today. I just want to pretend they are not there, that I'm not on the team that made it to the finals.
But Kristin and I had lunch and we decided we needed to have a Little Mermaid party. This is her email to me later today. I love friends like this.

The little crab’s name is Sebastian. I thought about it on my way home. I don’t know who Scuttle is. It sounded good though.
We will have to think of a food theme for our party and I definitely think we need to do decorations. Lets think about it Kristin Bedi
Realty Mortgage
(ps--all fun loving girls are invited. date TBA.)

Suburban Tumbleweed (a short film by Seth Worley)
Belcourt Theater
Thursday, October 20, 2005
5 & 6 p.m.
Scuttle is the CrAzY seagull's name...Hope you hve fun! I love you Ashley Lovell!
I watched the little mermaid yesterday on the airplane home
Very cool design! Useful information. Go on!
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